Display models or travel
agency style models from various private collections
over 2400 pictures of metal, resin and plastic aviation models !!!!

About this site
This is a non-comercial site of some friends who are sharing the same hobby in collecting Desktop/Display modells.
Latest UPDATE: OCT 2023, new models and changed text in all categories
All informations are provided as best as we can. If you have any
information that we didn’t have included please let us know. Some of the stands the models are placed on are not the original ones.
It is not marked what planes are displayed with wrong stands. We welcome any collector of display models to include their models on this page There are no tracking tools or saving of personal data This page will be refreshed unregulary.
Legend / Glosar
Original = non fixed
condition ( could have wear of the age) Refinished = new or fixed
painting/livery or decals Repaired = new or fixed parts
an minor painting Restored = new or repaired
parts with new finish Resin = different kind
of resin material of full body models Plastic = different
kind of plastic materials (like snapfit
or Herpa Premium models) Composite = CFG, GFK and other
kind of laminated materials Wood = models with a
bood based body
Whats new
You find (Oct 2023)
metal civil planes (Verkuyl, Raise-up, Fomaer, Schaarschmidt):330 metal militray planes (Allyn, Fomaer, Bronzard..): 370 resin
civil planes (Pac-Min, Space, Graphideco, Master, Westways) : 820 resin militray planes 300 Airjets: 90 Topping,Precise:320 other
modelplanes & drones & Rockets
(Dinky, Corgi, Aeromini, Armour, Franklin...): 200